Technology is one of the key enablers of automation for businesses, so it makes sense that it would eventually creep into email. Automated emails have the power to contribute to more streamlined operations when used well, but they are far from flawless. Today, we want to get you thinking about the pros and cons of automated email as it pertains to running your business.
Phantom Technology Solutions Blog
Data informs decision making, and your business creates countless data throughout the course of its operations. However, metadata—or data about data—offers a unique opportunity to businesses that understand how it works, particularly in the realm of business intelligence (BI) or business analytics (BA). Let’s discuss the importance of metadata and what your company can glean from it.
Customer relationship management software, or CRM tools, are not just for use by large corporations with a large workforce. They can be used by small businesses, too, and there are several benefits for an SMB to use one. Here are some of the many benefits you can expect to receive from using a CRM for your organization.